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The SCPHA Bylaws establishes the following classes of membership: Regular, Retiree, Lifetime, Student, Honorary and Organizational. Membership dues are paid annually with the exception of membership types with a two-year membership term option.

  • Regular Member ($45): Any active worker in the health field, or other persons interested in the promotion of public health and the object of the South Carolina Public Health Association who pays dues annually. A regular member shall be eligible to vote and hold office.
  • Retiree Member ($20): A member who is no longer employed and/or engaged in a full-time position in a health field or other related public health field. The retiree member shall have all the privileges of regular membership with membership due reduced from the prevailing rate.
  • Lifetime Member*: A member is eligible to purchase a lifetime membership if he/she has been a member of the Association for 30 years and makes a onetime payment equal to the regular annual dues. Lifetime membership confers all the privileges of regular membership. 
  • Student Member ($20): Any person enrolled full-time at an accredited institution of higher learning who is interested in the promotion of public health and the object of the South Carolina Public Health Association and who pays dues annually. A student member shall have all the privileges of regular membership, with membership dues reduced from the prevailing rate.
  • Honorary Member*: Any person or group of individuals, agency or any organization who has rendered service to the cause of public health with local, state or national impact deserving of special recognition. Nominations and supporting justification may be submitted to any member. Election to honorary membership shall be by three-fourths vote of the Governing Council. Honorary Membership does not confer any privileges reserved for a regular member.
  • Organizational Member ($200): Any corporation or organization interested in the growth and development of the Association that is willing to contribute in a large measure to its support and which pays dues annually. An organizational member as an entity is entitled to one vote. This entity shall not be eligible to hold office 

* Membership type must be conferred.


  • An annual meeting featuring scientific sessions designed to keep members apprised of advances in the field of public health, new policies, and state/national legislation.
  • Workshops, seminars and conferences throughout the year sponsored by the Association and its Sections.
  • A quarterly newsletter, The Bulletin, that keeps members posted on current events.
  • Access to a legislative committee that speaks out on important legislation on a year-round basis.
  • The opportunity to become actively involved in Section activities and/or a variety of work committees designed to support the goals of the Association.
  • Pay membership dues online.


SCPHA Membership Application