SectionsBehavioral Health (formerly Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD))This Section provides a forum for public health professionals from all disciplines to learn about the negative impact of substance abuse on individual, family and community health. Activities are aimed at increasing awareness of the interrelationship of the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs on a variety of public health and safety problems. Epidemiology and Disease Control
This Section works to prevent and control both infectious and chronic diseases. In pursuit of this goal, the section addresses primary and secondary prevention of controllable diseases and explores innovative methods for disease control. Environmental Health
This Section promotes public health by working to protect the environment. Members of this section are principally from the field of environmental engineering, sanitation, planning and management and directors of health care programs, service units and facilities. Health Administration
This Section is concerned with management of facilities and services in the delivery of health care. The members of this section are generally employed in administrative and supervisory positions and directors of health care programs, service units and facilities. Health Education
This Section provides its members with opportunities to network and exchange information about successful health education strategies, programs and advocacy. Founded on the principles and concepts of the educational, biological, social, behavioral and medical sciences, this section focuses on helping health educators in diverse settings (from patient education to street outreach to worksite wellness) to develop the knowledge and skills to assist their clients in adopting positive health behaviors. Health and Human Services
This Section is concerned with issues related to the financing of health care, including the impact of financing mechanisms on quality care; health status and the health care system; federal, state and private insurance programs; and national health insurance and national health policy related to reimbursement systems. Management Support
This Section is dedicated to presenting programs and engaging in activities that captivate the interest of support personnel in all public health programs and works to motivate them both professionally and personally. Nutrition
This Section advocates healthy eating and lifestyle habits to promote optimal health for the citizens of South Carolina. Public Health Nursing
This Section promotes excellence by providing education and information on current state and national issues and trends; influences public policy relating to public health nursing practices and provides opportunities for professional development and communication. Public Health Social Work and Counseling
This Section promotes the optimal social, emotional, health and environmental functioning of individuals, families, and communities through the application of the principles and practices of public health social work. Student Section
This Section connects all student members in the state and provides them with SCPHA information, education, professional development opportunities, scholarships and awards, learning and networking events, community service opportunities, etc. |